'Watch our Reaction and Review to the video of Aamir Khan\'s full body transformation from 97 kgs to six packs for the movie Dangal here. Dangal is an extraordinary true story based on the life of Mahavir Singh and his two daughters, Geeta and Babita Phogat. The film traces the inspirational journey of a father who trains his daughters to become world class wrestlers. Official Link: https://youtu.be/1aVw1gZ9Ncg Please Subscribe and follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @magicfco #FattoFit #AamirKhan #Dangal #AamirKhanFatToFit #AamirkhanBodyTransformation #Fitness #Health #Diet #Training'
Tags: fitness , diet , Health , SPORTS , review , movie , trailer , India , reaction , hindi , bollywood , fat to fit , Aamir Khan , fattofit , wrestling , bodytransformation , AamirKhan , dangal , magic flicks , aamir khan body transformation , AamirKhanFattoFit , AamirKhanBodyTransformation , MagicFlicks
SEE ALSO: mon , shredded , motivation , toning , flexing , kareena Kapoor hot , barre , female , training , cardio dance